What is Trigger Finger or Stenosing Tenosynovitis

From Stuck to Smooth: Easing Trigger Finger Troubles

Trigger Finger, or Stenosing Tenosynovitis, is a condition where a finger gets stuck in a bent position and then snaps straight, much like pulling and releasing a trigger. It occurs when inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger.

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of Trigger Finger is not always clear, but it’s known to be associated with repetitive gripping actions which can irritate the tendon sheath, leading to inflammation. Risk factors include certain health conditions such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as occupations or hobbies that require prolonged gripping or repetitive hand use.


Symptoms include pain at the base of the finger or thumb, stiffness, especially in the morning, a popping or clicking sensation as you move your finger, and the finger catching or locking in a bent position before suddenly popping straight.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is typically based on the symptoms and a physical examination. Treatment options range from home remedies like rest, splinting, and exercises to medical interventions such as anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections, or surgery. The surgical procedure, generally reserved for severe cases, involves releasing the tendon sheath to allow smoother tendon movement.

Recovery and Management

Non-surgical treatments often provide relief, but some cases may require surgery for full recovery. Post-treatment, exercises to improve finger movement are commonly recommended. Preventive measures include minimizing repetitive gripping actions and using ergonomic tools to reduce strain on the fingers.

Trigger Finger can significantly impact hand function, but with appropriate treatment, most individuals experience relief from symptoms and a return to normal activities. Early intervention can prevent progression and reduce the need for surgical intervention.