Top 6 Common Hand Orthopedic Conditions and How They’re Treated
Hand orthopedic conditions can cause significant pain and affect everyday activities. Carpal tunnel syndrome arises when the median nerve in the wrist and hand becomes inflamed. Rest, ice, pain medication, and ergonomic adjustments can often relieve symptoms.
Similarly, tendon tears, such as tendonitis, involve small tears in the tendons or surrounding tissue, causing tenderness and weakness. Treatment typically includes rest, pain management, and other conservative measures.
Arthritis, a chronic inflammation of joints, leads to pain and stiffness. Non-surgical options like medication, injections, physical therapy, and bracing can help reduce discomfort, stabilize joints, and prevent deformities.
Trigger finger, or stenosing tenosynovitis, causes a finger to lock in a bent position. Conservative treatments such as splinting, stretching, and medication often suffice, though severe cases may require surgery.
DeQuervain’s syndrome, a tendinitis on the thumb side of the wrist, is linked to repetitive movements or swelling, though its cause is often unclear. Splints, anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid injections are common treatments.
Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage deteriorates, leading to painful bone-on-bone contact. Ergonomic tools, anti-inflammatory medications, and activity adjustments can provide relief. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate care are essential for restoring hand function and improving quality of life.